Dear all,

We will be having our final spring meeting on Friday, May 5th, at 2pm. Please note that this is slightly different from the original schedule, which is why I am sending this out well ahead of time.

5/05/2023 2:00 PM - 5/05/2023 3:00 PM
John Peace Library 4.04.12D - Faculty Center Small Meeting Room

Here is the Zoom link for those who want to join us remotely. A calendar invite has been shared with you as well - please let me know if there has been any issues and drop me an email if you have items for our agenda.

On the agenda for sure is the discussion of the survey that we send out earlier (thanks everyone for completing it, if you have not completed it yet, please find the survey here). The preliminary report is attached and we will discuss results. We should also discuss plans going forward and whether we want to end the semester with a social.

I look forward to seeing many of you in two weeks,

Matthias Hofferberth, Ph.D.
Associate Professor of Political Science

International Relations and Global Governance

2022/2023 UTSA Model UN Faculty Advisor

2022/2023 Sigma Iota Rho Faculty Advisor

2022/2023 DAAD Research Ambassador