Working on a paper and pulled the latest data from the
last Annual Report to Congress on the Implementation of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) and sorted 80% or more time of the day in regular ed. It makes more sense now the disconnect in the disability community over inclusion. Most of the
RTI/MTSS stuff was focused on LD (also most students identified for special education services is typically for LD and within that- for reading). But if you look at the ID and other low incidence, they remain quite low. So makes more sense on the inclusion
the different views, with the LD people wanting to hold onto things like resource rooms and the ID folks wanting an inclusion agenda looking at the 18.7% of the time. They sort of see different things or want different things from MTSS.
Table 1. Percent of time spent in regular education settings by disability area.
Disability Category |
80% or more of the day |
40% through 79% of the day |
Less than 40% of the day |
Other environments |
Speech or language impairment |
88.3% |
3.7% |
3.7% |
4.3% |
Specific learning disability |
75.3% |
19.1% |
3.8% |
1.9% |
Other health impairment |
70.2% |
18.1% |
7.7% |
4.0% |
Developmental delay |
69.8% |
14.6% |
13.8% |
1.7% |
Visual impairment |
69.7% |
11.3% |
8.7% |
10.2% |
Hearing impairment |
64.5% |
13.3% |
10.2% |
12.0% |
Orthopedic impairment |
57.6% |
14.5% |
20.1% |
7.8% |
Emotional disturbance |
54.7% |
17.0% |
14.6% |
13.7% |
Traumatic brain injury |
51.5% |
20.8% |
19.6% |
8.2% |
Autism |
40.8% |
17.1% |
34.2% |
7.8% |
Deaf-blindness |
30.1% |
11.0% |
32.2% |
26.7% |
Intellectual disability |
18.7% |
27.7% |
47.2% |
6.4% |
Multiple disabilities |
15.3% |
17.9% |
43.5% |
23.2% |
All disabilities |
66.6% |
16.0% |
12.6% |
4.8% |
Mack D. Burke, Ph.D.
Department of Educational Psychology
Applied Behavior Analysis and Special Education Programs
Behavioral Education & Assessment Research (BEAR Lab)
School of Education, Baylor University