Hi Everyone,
I'm traveling to Region One ESC tomorrow.
Please see the agenda items to discuss below.
Kind regards,
* Region One ESC - Special Education Institute June 11-13 Exhibitor Table (Richard)
* Region One ESC - PD titles/abstracts for 2024-2025 (Mack, Richard, & Denise)
* IRB approval for multiple languages at BU/TAMU/UTSA (Lisa S)
* SAISD - Lanier HS and Tafolla MS are a go for PD/CWPT (Richard)
* Sent When2meet link to schedule meeting to discuss materials for CWPT (Mack, Lisa
BP, Zohreh, Eboni, & Kathy)
* Marshall HS - Begin study on Tuesday, September 3 (Richard)
* Mr. Schraub/Ms. Su sent academic calendar, TEKS, etc. (Richard)
* Mr. Schraub/Ms. Su did not get $1,000 stipend yet (Mack & Kathy)
* PD at UTSA - Friday, June 21 at 10:00am (Lisa BP & Richard)
* Website (Lisa S & Virginia)
* Annual/Quarterly Report - Put due dates from Steve on calendar for each year (Lisa
S, Virginia, or Cameron)
* Annual/Quarterly Report - Besides our notes, we should keep track of PD/CWPT
trainings with numbers (separate document) in Dropbox (Lisa S, Virginia, or Cameron)