We just got back from APBS (Chicago as always was cold and dreary this time of the year- but the Pizza was good!)- Virginia was great at stepping in and doing almost half of a presentation I put together- and only briefly looked at! And
Dr. Sanchez’s presentation skills are way better than mine! I am going to have to play catch up- thanks to you both for letting me ride your coattails…
Also- I have been inserting a couple of slides in presentations similar to this in PD/presentations- hoping to prompt greater discussion about the interaction between MTSS and sped- inspired a bit by Garry Hornby from the UK’s views on
“Inclusive Special Education”- see attached. I think it was Hill Walker who said special education is on “life support”- maybe for some time now- and Doug Fuchs has commented on the “Devolution of MTSS”- Attached are a couple related also that illustrate the
devolution- some from unlikely sources…and as Mike Nelson said a while back-many of us are hoping to get the “farmers and the ranchers to talk to one another” about a renewal of both.
For this particular group- one big question is how do we think about CLD/EL learners with disabilities in this? That is something we have to keep wrestling with…or the part of the country where I come from