Thanks, Liz!


I don’t have any additional context about how & when we will have more information on when study sections will be rescheduled.  The issue of not being able to post in the Federal Register is complicating things.  If I learn more, I will let you all know.


From: Elizabeth Tilley <>
Date: Friday, February 28, 2025 at 12:21
To: <>
Cc: Guoquan Zhang <>
Subject: [Rowdy.research] FW: [EXTERNAL] Notice of Application Assignment to the IHD Study Section for 2025/05 Council

Good afternoon, Everyone,


I just wanted to forward a message from NIH program officer regarding certain study section reviews. It’s kind of what we would expect.  Meetings that were scheduled yesterday did not occur.  NIH cannot give a date to when study section reviews will occur. 





From: Mulky, Alok (NIH/CSR) [E] <>
Sent: Friday, February 28, 2025 9:36 AM
To: Guoquan Zhang <>
Subject: RE: [EXTERNAL] Notice of Application Assignment to the IHD Study Section for 2025/05 Council


Dear Dr. Zhang,

The IHD meeting will be rescheduled for a later date, yet to be determined. I have no further information at this time. You’ll receive notification via eRA Commons when the status of your application changes.

Thank you,




Alok Mulky, Ph.D.

Scientific Review Officer, Immunity and Host Defense (IHD)

Assistant Research/Review Integrity Officer (RIO)

Center for Scientific Review (CSR)

National Institutes of Health (NIH)

6701 Rockledge Dr.

Bethesda, MD 20817

Phone: (301) 435-3566

Fax: (301) 480-4042



Fairness matters. Say something! For possible violations of peer review integrity, contact your Scientific Review Officer (SRO), the CSR Review Integrity Officer at or the NIH Review Policy Officer at For issues related to respectful interactions, bias or anything else that could affect the fairness of the review process, contact your SRO or send a message to


Alert: For due dates on or after Jan 25, 2025 - changes coming to how most research grant applications will be reviewed. Learn about the new simplified review framework.




From: Guoquan Zhang <>
Sent: Friday, February 28, 2025 10:26 AM
To: Mulky, Alok (NIH/CSR) [E] <>
Subject: Re: [EXTERNAL] Notice of Application Assignment to the IHD Study Section for 2025/05 Council


Good morning Dr. Mulky and I hope this email finds you well. While I learned from your website that and am wondering if you have an update on the meeting time.





From: Mulky, Alok (NIH/CSR) [E] <>
Sent: Thursday, January 9, 2025 11:51 AM
To: Guoquan Zhang <>
Subject: [EXTERNAL] Notice of Application Assignment to the IHD Study Section for 2025/05 Council


  This email originated outside of The University of Texas at San Antonio.
  Please exercise caution when clicking on links or opening attachments.


Dear Dr. Zhang,


The NIH has received your grant application entitled “The role of CCR10 in regulating mucosal IgA response against Coxiella burnetii infection,” application number 1 R21 AI188471-01A1 and assigned it to the Immunity and Host Defense (IHD) Study Section for review.  As the Scientific Review Officer for this study section, I will be your primary NIH contact before the review. This email answers several questions you may have.


When will I hear about the review?

§  This study section will meet on February 27-28, 2025.

§  Results will be available through NIH Commons.

      Priority scores by March 5, 2025.

      Summary statements will be released by March 30, 2025.


May I submit changes or supplements to my application?


You may submit:

§  notification that an article has been accepted for publication.

§  some other changes, for example, if a natural disaster affects your application or you must change a senior / key person on the application.

Details of this policy:


You may also submit for applications submitted for the May 2025 council (2025/05):

§  Regarding the one-page update with preliminary data: For applications submitted for the May 25, 2023 receipt date and beyond, the one-page update with preliminary data will only be accepted if (1) it is for Type 1 (New and Resubmission of application) R01, R21, or R03 applications, and (2) if the NOFO used for submission allows preliminary data in the application.

Policy Details: 


If you have an acceptable change or supplement, I must receive it at least 30 calendar days before the study section meeting (Deadline for receipt: January 28, 2025) from your organization's Authorized Organization Representative (AOR) or Signing Official (SO) as a PDF attachment to an email.

*Material sent directly by the PI without AOR/SO concurrence WILL NOT be accepted*


If your application is a multi-PI application, please coordinate your supplementary materials and have your AOR/SO send them as a single document to me. Please include e-mail addresses of all the PIs and I will respond to all to acknowledge receipt of materials.


May I speak to a reviewer?

NO! Neither you nor anyone on your behalf may contact the Chairperson or other Members on the IHD Study Section Meeting Roster about any aspect of the review of your application before, during, or after the study section meeting. Contacting a study section member violates NIH confidentiality and conflict of interest rules. It could lead to a deferral of your application.


Reviewers sign a legal document stating that they will not discuss anything about the review of any application with anyone outside the formal sessions of the study section meeting.


If you have questions

Before the study section meeting, contact me.

After the study section meeting, contact your Program Officer (PO) at the institute that is considering your application for funding. You will find your PO’s name in your NIH Commons account in association with your application.


Do not hesitate to contact me with any questions regarding the review process.


Best regards,

Alok Mulky



Alok Mulky, Ph.D.

Scientific Review Officer, Immunity and Host Defense (IHD)

Assistant Research/Review Integrity Officer (RIO)

Center for Scientific Review (CSR)

National Institutes of Health (NIH)

6701 Rockledge Dr.

Bethesda, MD 20817

Phone: (301) 435-3566

Fax: (301) 480-4042



Fairness matters. Say something! For possible violations of peer review integrity, contact your Scientific Review Officer (SRO), the CSR Review Integrity Officer at or the NIH Review Policy Officer at For issues related to respectful interactions, bias or anything else that could affect the fairness of the review process, contact your SRO or send a message to


Alert: For due dates on or after Jan 25, 2025 - changes coming to how most research grant applications will be reviewed. Learn about the new simplified review framework.

CAUTION: This email originated from outside of the organization. Do not click links or open attachments unless you recognize the sender and are confident the content is safe.