Yes, it appears that the solicitation is still open/active. I will let them know that we should move forward with the submission.
I will also make a note to contact the NSF PO next week to see if there are any updates/changes.
Thank you,
Shannon Lea Janssen, BBA
Research Administrator III
College of Sciences
The University of Texas at San Antonio
Important Reminders:
15/5 Rule for UTSA Proposals:
NSF: Personnel Docs must be prepared using SciENcv.
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Lab Notebook (ELN) software for research at no cost to UTSA Faculty and Staff, plus there is no limit on data storage space!
From: Lori Schultz <>
Sent: Wednesday, January 29, 2025 2:11 PM
To: Shannon Janssen <>; Francesca Bronder <>;
Subject: Re: Drawing down federal funds - quick definitions
If the RFP/solicitation is still active, I think they should submit.
Hopefully, by next week they can contact NSF program officials to see if anything changes that.