Hi everyone,

I wanted to share some news I just learned.

NIH has reopened some of their NIH Research Supplements to Promote Diversity in Health funding opportunities.  There is no due date; it is an open call.

Below is an opportunity that has reopened.
PA-23-189: Research Supplements to Promote Diversity in Health-Related Research (Admin Supp Clinical Trial Not Allowed)

Thank you,

Josie Melendez,

Senior Research Administrator,

President, VPs and University College

The University of Texas at San Antonio
Office of Research

One UTSA Circle,
San Antonio, TX 78249-3209

Important Reminders:

****For all Post-award requests/inquires please email the VP email at VPProposals.edu

****All transactions are approved within 24 hours of having received approval notifications, unless marked "high priority" and before the end of the business day.

*New* 15/5 Rule for UTSA Proposals: 15/5 Rule & Exception Requests (utsa.edu)

*NSF: Revised Biographical Sketch and Current and Pending (Other) Support formats compliant with the new PAPPG now available in SciENcv and required for proposals submitted or due on or after 5/20/24.

REDKE is excited to announce LabArchives, Electronic Lab Notebook (ELN) software for research at no cost to UTSA Faculty and Staff, plus there is no limit on data storage space.