The Education Crisis- We Know the Way Out
by Burke, Mack
Here is a talk I was directed to by a colleague- Bonnie Grossen of Doug Carnine who worked with him and Zig Englemann- the developers of Direct Instruction from University of Oregon. He was a big part of the creation of the What Works Clearing House- and worked with the Bush Administration with Ted Kennedy’s office to craft NCLB and promote the evidence-based practice.
He is retired now sadly- the slide I think on “Are non-evidence-based instructional programs racist?” is likely a good point of discussion. The current dismantlement of evidence-based practices putting the field back 30-40 years.
Mack D. Burke, Ph.D.
Department of Educational Psychology
Applied Behavior Analysis and Special Education Programs
Behavioral Education & Assessment Research (BEAR Lab)
School of Education, Baylor University
10 months, 3 weeks
culturally and contextually adapted EBIs
by Burke, Mack
Here is the one I had mentioned to some that Dr. Campbell did- where we took an evidence-based practices and cultrually and contextually adapted it. I think those we some of the best and most elegant graphs I have seen in a while. It would also be illustrative of a more empirical perspective on cultural responsiveness- which has been hard to quantify exactly what that means-
I’ll also attach a couple from the program of research by Gwendolyn Cartledge on empirically perspectives of cultrually responsive practices and Dr. Kourea- who is a colleague of mine now at University of Cyprus where she is originally from- will see if we can get her on the speaker series.
On the qualitative/behavior side- I think her structured interviewing of parents before an intervention- maybe framed as a cultrually responsive FBA family interview- is where we need to go into order to figure out cultural adaptions- it is hard to figure out the difference between cultural characteristics and stereotyping- get the attribution wrong- and you can lose credibility and rapport- in this sense- cultural characteristics are whatever the family, parent, or student says they are- and that is what helps inform adaptions or contextual/cultural fit.
Something like that I think…
Mack D. Burke, Ph.D.
Department of Educational Psychology
Applied Behavior Analysis and Special Education Programs
Behavioral Education & Assessment Research (BEAR Lab)
School of Education, Baylor University
10 months, 3 weeks
FW: Re: What Trump Supporters Think When He Mocks People With Disabilities
by Burke, Mack
FYI- from a different thread but the links are from people I am citing and worth looking at- this social-cultural stuff- complex and thorny- for the doctoral students- I share as an introduction to issues hitting the professoriate, education, disability, and academia that you might not ordinarily see in your courses- as you can see- the professoriate from my colleague and good friends post (he wouldn’t mind I share)- the professoriate doesn’t speak with one voice on much and less on arriving at a “BIG T” truth statement or view- we are better with the “little ts” but the issues are ones sooner or later you will have to sort out for yourself- and should be thinking about- no one can escape the political and intellectual polarization in education, especially on social-cultural issues right now- best to acknowledge it and think about how to navigate… you should be engaged in critical thinking- what is valid/what is not- or what aspects of an argument is valid and which ones aren’t- all the while being charitable in interpretation and remembering that often “bright minds do not think alike” and that friction and debate are part of an open democratic society.
PS- we are working on a similar set up for the project DIVERSE and affiliated doctoral students as part of our goal to foster a “Community of Scholars” across the three universities…so will circle back around soon on it.
Well…voting is almost always about the least worst choice…
I think you have to return to the question of what about the opposition scares people or they dislike so much that they would be willing to vote for someone with his mob-boss tendencies- I would not count on moderates- and my guess we are in for a ride for the next decade as things swing back and forth- too many meta issues driving things to be worked out that people are passionate and polarized about and my guess- as sad as it is- making fun of people with disabilities is low on the rank ordering…if one actually believes that disabilities exist- which many don’t currently or else we would not see University of Kansas faculty proposing to move special ed to become a title program- both Pew and I think Gallup have fairly recent survey data showing the decrease of confidence in public institutions- Republicans one would expect, but now Independents and Democrats are trending in that direction as well…
Really the same thing on a meta level that George, Jim, Gary Sasso and others have pointed out repeatedly in the past…
Only now it has jumped out of academia into society and seems something that both the left
And the right are starting to agree on as we move from modernity to post-modernity- Commentary is admittedly a conservative Jewish outlet- but I think this 2021 article has the right of it.
My testable hypothesis- the general retreat from some form of empirical and humanistic truth seeking combined with suppression of speech and viewpoint diversity in academia- which is well documented now has eroded bi-partisan support for public institutions- especially K-12 and universities- and that is not good. Mack
Mack D. Burke, Ph.D.
Department of Educational Psychology
Applied Behavior Analysis and Special Education Programs
Behavioral Education & Assessment Research (BEAR Lab)
School of Education, Baylor University
What Trump Supporters Think When He Mocks People With Disabilities <>
10 months, 4 weeks
by Burke, Mack
See below-
Consider making an account- they have it organized by disability- was looking for EB/disability resources-
From: Texas Education Agency <TXTEA(a)>
Date: Tuesday, March 26, 2024 at 7:03 AM
To: Burke, Mack <Mack_Burke(a)>
Subject: TEA SPED NEWSLETTER: March 2024
View as a webpage<>
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March 2024
Special Education Newsletter
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Updated Dyslexia Handbook Draft: Public Comment Open
The proposed amendment would update the rule to align with House Bill (HB) 3928, 88th Texas Legislature, Regular Session, 2023; clarify terminology used in the Texas Education Code (TEC); and update the Dyslexia Handbook: Procedures Concerning Dyslexia and Related Disorders<> adopted as Figure: 19 TAC §74.28(c) to clarify requirements related to dyslexia evaluation, identification, and instruction. Public comment opened on March 1, 2024, and will close on April 1. 2024.
Provide Public Comment<>
2023-2024 School Year Data Submission for State Performance Plan Indicator (SPPI) 7 and SPPI 13 in the Texas Education Agency Login (TEAL) SPP Application
On Thursday, March 7, 2024, TEA published the above TAA to inform local educational agency (LEA) and education service center (ESC) staff that SPPI 7 Preschool Outcomes and SPPI 13 Secondary Transition data collection for the 2023-2024 school year will open in the TEAL SPP Application on April 1, 2024, for LEAs to start submitting data. The data collection for both SPPI 7 and SPPI 13 will close August 9, 2024.
Data collection and submission resources can be found on the SPPI 7: Preschool Outcomes<> and SPPI 13: Secondary Transition<> webpages. For programmatic and/or technical questions, please contact your respective ESC. Support can also be obtained from the TEA via email at spp(a)<>.
[Image removed by sender. calendar]
Upcoming Dates
* March 1 - May 1: HCF application period for 2023-2024. Please refer to the HCF webpage<> for additional information and resources. REMINDER: If you submitted a Non-Public Day or Non-Public Residential application for a student and would also like to submit a High Cost Fund application for that student, their Non-Public Day or Non-Public Residential application must be in FINALIZED status prior to the High Cost Fund application submission.
* March 27: Application window for the Innovative Services for Students with Autism Grant Award<> closes
* April 1 - August 9: SPPI 7 Preschool Outcomes and SPPI 13 Secondary Transition data collection for the 2023-2024 school year will be open in the TEAL SPP Application for LEAs to submit their data.
* April 12: Deadline for LEA’s who received a Significant Disproportionality 3 letter to complete the assurance statement in the Legal Framework<>. Questions? Reach out your regional Legal Framework representative listed on the website.
* April 30: Last day to complete the Texas SPED Support user survey<> which is intended to gauge users' experience navigating the website.
* June 12: General registration deadline for the Texas Autism Conference<>
* June 20 - 22: Texas Autism Conference<> in Austin, Texas (virtual options available). Family day is June 22 and is FREE of charge.
* July 29-30: ALIGNED! 2024: From Child Find to IEP Implementation<> (virtual conference). FREE of charge. Up to 12 CPE credit hours will be available for all attendees who participate in the live, synchronous sessions. Recorded, asynchronous sessions will be available for 30 calendar days following the conference. CPE credit hours are not available for recorded, asynchronous sessions.
* December 6: SSES+ Medically Fragile Program permanently ends
Don't forget to check out TEA's Special Education Webinars and Newsletters website<> for a list of upcoming events with their agendas.
Did you know...
March 3-9 was Texas Educational Diagnosticians Week?
Governor Greg Abbott proclaimed March 3-9, 2024 to be Educational Diagnosticians Week. He encouraged all Texans to recognize the role educational diagnosticians play in our education system. Their devoted service paves the way for a bright future for the next generation of Texas leaders. You can read the full proclamation HERE<>.
[Image removed by sender. image of Stephanie Wolf]
Office of Special Populations and Student Supports (OSPSS) -
Staff Highlight
This month’s staff highlight is Stephanie Wolf, Division Director of Systemwide Integration. Stephanie has worked for TEA since July 2022. Prior to that, she spent 15 years in a school district in various campus and district roles including teacher, counselor, assistant principal, Special Education Director, and Director of Student Services. Stephanie obtained her doctorate from Dallas Baptist University in May 2023. She was raised in the DFW area, and lives just a few towns away from her childhood home with her husband and three children who are 18, 11, and 3 years old. Stephanie is an avid reader, NFL fan, and loves being outdoors, especially when she gets to watch her kids play sports. Stephanie identifies with TEA’s core value – We are Determined – by being committed to and intentionally pursuing our main purpose, to improve outcomes for students.
[Image removed by sender. Report icon]
In This Issue
* Autism Toolkit Now Posted
* Child Find Process for Parentally Placed Private School Children With Disabilities Quick Guide
* Decision Making Online Course Now Available
* Transition Planning Resources for Families
* Sign Up to Receive Supplemental Special Education Services (SSES) Email Updates
* Assistive Technology Industry Association (ATIA)
* Instructional Leadership Tools
* Learning Ally
* Instructional Routines for Mathematics Intervention
* Engagement Opportunities
[Image removed by sender. Texas SPED Support]
Monthly Spotlight:
Texas SPED Support<> has been live for 7 months and almost 6,000 users have signed up for an account. The perks of being an account holder include the ability to bookmark resources and follow topics that are important to you! Sign up today! And don't forget to complete the user survey<> which will be used to enhance the functionality and features of this website.
Follow on Facebook, Instagram, & Threads: @TexasSPEDSupport
Follow on Twitter: @TXSPEDSupport
Autism Toolkit Now Posted
Are you looking for that perfect tool to use with your students and don't have time to create your own? Well look no further than the Autism Toolkit! While this collection of tools was developed for teachers working with students with Autism, they can be helpful for any student who is struggling. This toolkit includes visual cards, mini schedules, data collection tools, and so much more. Visit Texas SPED Support and find the tool that fits your need now!
Check Out Toolkit Now<>
Child Find Process for Parentally Placed Private School Children With Disabilities Quick Guide
This quick guide highlights key points and important resources for local education agencies (LEAs) to consider for children with disabilities enrolled by their parents/guardians in private elementary and secondary schools located in the LEA.
Go to Quick Guide<>
Decision Making Online Course Now Available
The focus of this course is how to use progress monitoring data to inform decision making. The course is designed for teachers, staff and administrators of K-12 schools, as well as ESC staff.
After engaging in this course, learners should be able to do the following:
* Explain how decision rules, considering level, trend, and variability, can be used to determine whether a student is responding to intervention.
* Interpret and handle variable data from curriculum-based measurements.
* Generate a hypothesis based on collected data to identify instructional changes to increase the effectiveness of intervention.
* Explain various ways intervention can be intensified.
Go to Course<>
Transition Planning Resources for Families
SPEDTex has a new page of transition resources to help families plan for their child’s transition to life outside the public school system. Under Texas law, not later than when a student reaches 14 years of age, the admission, review, and dismissal (ARD) committee must consider and, if appropriate, address transition services for a child served by special education. Families can come to the ARD meeting with a vision for their child in adulthood and questions about any areas where more information is needed. This website includes a collection of videos, guides, checklists, and documents to provide helpful transition planning resources for families at any stage (from early childhood to high school graduation). Explore and share these resources today.
Transition Resources - English<>
Transition Resources - Spanish<>
Sign Up to Receive Supplemental Special Education Services (SSES) Email Updates
The SSES application is now closed for the 2023-2024 school year. We are no longer accepting applications for either grant program; and the SSES+ Medically Fragile program will permanently end after its final spending deadline, December 6, 2024. The main SSES application will re-open next school year on February 3, 2025. SSES eligibility has not changed – it is still a first-come, first-served, one-time grant for students enrolled in a Texas public school who receive special education services. If your student has previously been awarded an SSES or an SSES+ Medically Fragile account, you will not be able to apply again. If you would like to receive SSES email updates on the new application window and program information, please fill out the interest form below to join the email list. If you would like to receive updates in Spanish, please fill out the SSES Spanish Interest Form<>.
Fill Out SSES Interest Form<>
Assistive Technology Industry Association (ATIA)
The TEA has partnered with the Assistive Technology Industry Association (ATIA) to offer UNLIMITED access to ATIA online courses for all educators, support staff, and parents serving students across Texas.
These online education programs include live and recorded versions by national experts on a variety of topics across the spectrum of the assistive technology industry sectors. Online courses are 60 and 90 minutes in length. Complimentary CEUs are available for completion of these programs. In addition to the stand-alone sessions, Texas specific bundles have been created to guide users through learning pathways to meet professional or tool specific needs.
Visit the Texas ATIA subscription page and use access code PD24INCLUSIONTX to take advantage of these resources.
Visit ATIA Now<>
Instructional Leadership Tools
Are you an administrator supporting classrooms unique to special education? Instructional Leadership Tools for Inclusion, Early Childhood, and Behavior can be found on the Texas SPED Support Website. The Tools are intended to assist LEA administrators with information and evidence to support performance evaluations for teachers of students with disabilities served in inclusive classroom settings. They are not intended to supplant any documents or resources adopted by the LEA to support the employee evaluation process. The considerations and discussion points provided are designed to help administrators guide their own thinking, teacher thinking, and purposeful conversations. This tool is designed to align with Domains 1-3 of the T-TESS evaluation system. It is recommended for use in any stage of the T-TESS process, especially during the Pre-Evaluation Conference and Post Evaluation Conference meetings.
Go to Tools<>
Learning Ally
As spring approaches, Learning Ally would like to encourage our students to continue their reading journey. We offer a vast library of audiobooks specifically designed to support students with dyslexia, visual impairments, and other reading barriers.
A Few of the Key STAAR Aligned Features: Watch this short video<> to see all of the special features available when using the Audiobook Solution. Learning Ally has specialized features aligned with STAAR requirements, designed to elevate your students' preparation and performance.
We are excited to offer Educator Rapid Coaching Sessions. If you're not yet familiar with Learning Ally or don't have an account, don't worry! You can easily enroll at no cost by visiting the Texas Landing Page. From there, you can register to attend an Educator Coaching Session, where you'll receive personalized guidance on how to effectively use Learning Ally to support your students' reading goals.
Let's make this spring a time of adventure, imagination, and growth through the power of reading with Learning Ally!
Visit Landing Page<>
Instructional Routines for Mathematics Intervention
The Instructional Routines for Mathematics Intervention provide educators with FREE materials to use when providing intervention to students who experience difficulty with mathematics. The routines address content included in the grades 3-8 Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS). There are 23 modules that include routines and examples – each focused on different mathematical content. Designed for Texas teachers and aligned with the TEKS, these 23 modules are focused on different mathematics content and are designed for grades 2 through 8.
These modules feature:
* Step-by-step routines for explicit teaching of mathematics content
* Vocabulary Cards with visuals that can be easily displayed in the classroom
* Problem Sets over 50 ready-to-use problems for each module
Go to Instructional Routines<>
Engagement Opportunities
We are always looking for ways to connect with our partners in the field!
From site visits, to review opportunities, to focus groups, there are numerous ways to connect with TEA and support the field of education. If you are interested in participating in any engagement opportunities, sign up by clicking the button below.
Sign Up Here<>
Instructional Materials Review and Adoption (IMRA)
TEA is seeking educators and subject-matter experts across Texas to serve as instructional materials reviewers for the new IMRA review process<>.
Selected reviewers will earn extra income while making a statewide impact. Reviewers will work in small teams to conduct quality reviews and collaborate with other educators to produce ratings and reports for assigned reading language arts, phonics, and mathematics products. For our bi-weekly information sessions, sign up HERE<>.
If you or your colleagues want to participate in the IMRA review process, please apply today! To learn more about the IMRA process, visit our website<>.
Apply Today<>
State Assessment Educator Item Review Committees
Each year the TEA invites groups of Texas educators to provide feedback on the development of state assessments (STAAR, STAAR Alternate 2, and TELPAS) through educator committees across all assessed grades and content areas. Developing high-quality, aligned questions relies on the expertise and experience of Texas educators. Participants collaborate with other educators from across the state to review and approve each potential question for state assessments. TEA is currently accepting applications from all districts to participate in item review committees all subjects and grade levels.
If you know of any educators (including yourself!) who might be interested in participating in these review meetings, please encourage them to apply using the link below. Meetings are typically held during the spring and summer. If selected, an invite will be sent with all the logistical information.
The commitment is generally two to three days in Austin with all travel, accommodations, and substitute coverage paid for by TEA. All participants will earn Continuing Professional Education (CPE) credits. Applications are accepted on a rolling basis.
Apply Now<>
Multi-Tiered System of Supports for Multilingual Learners: Using Culturally and Linguistically Aligned Practices
This new brief<> from the National Center on Intensive Intervention (NCII) highlights how to use culturally and linguistically aligned (CLA) strategies to support multilingual learners with a multi-tiered system of supports (MTSS) framework. It includes a case study showing MTSS implementation through a CLA lens for a school with a large Spanish-speaking student population.
Features of Explicit Instruction Self-Paced Learning
The first two modules in NCII’s course content focused on Features of Explicit Instruction<> have been adapted into self-paced modules available within the NCII and PROGRESS Center’s Learning Module Library. These modules include video lectures, activities, and checks for understanding.
The available modules are Modeling and Practicing to Help Students Reach Academic Goals (approximately 5 hours to complete) and Supporting Practices: Using Effective Methods to Elicit Frequent Responses (approximately 5.5 hours to complete). Users can choose to complete the modules in one sitting or return at a later time to pick up where they left off. At the completion of each module, users can receive a module completion certificate. The remaining two modules in the series are coming soon!
Empowering Learning: Technology, Equity, and Access
The Office of Educational Technology (OET) and the Office of Special Education Programs (OSEP) recently released two documents to boost and promote learning success for all students. The Dear Colleague Letter<> and <> Myths and Facts Surrounding Assistive Technology Devices and Services<> aim to increase understanding of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act’s requirements regarding AT devices. In addition, OET released the National Educational Technology Plan<>, which calls upon all involved in American education to ensure equity of access to transformational learning experiences enabled by technology.
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visit the site to locate resources<>
you need.
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Job Listings
Integrated Special Programs Support Manager (Manager V)<>
Special Education Strategic Integration Director (Director II)<>
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11 months
Re: Project LEER at UTSA (Thursday, March 21, 2024 from 4:00pm-6:30pm)
by Perrott, Lisa J
Has anyone else had trouble logging on? I haven't been able to yet. 🙃
Lisa Bowman-Perrott, Ph.D.
Associate Professor
Haynes Faculty Fellow
Department of Educational Psychology
Special Education Division
Texas A&M University
College Station, TX 77843-4225
(979) 862-3879 (office)
(979) 862-1256 (fax)
From: Richard Boon <Richard.Boon(a)>
Sent: Saturday, March 16, 2024 8:54 AM
To: Iffat Jabeen <Iffat.Jabeen(a)>; Allegra Montemayor <Allegra.Montemayor(a)>; Jane Tappmeyer <jane.tappmeyer(a)>
Cc: project.leer(a) <project.leer(a)>; Celeste Martinez <celeste.martinez2(a)>
Subject: [Project.leer] Project LEER at UTSA (Thursday, March 21, 2024 from 4:00pm-6:30pm)
Hi Everyone, Please see the Zoom link below. https: //utsa. zoom. us/j/94174227084 Thanks! Kind regards, Richard
This Message Is From an External Sender
This message came from outside your organization.
Hi Everyone,
Please see the Zoom link below.
Kind regards,
11 months
Re: Action Items 3/5/24
by Perrott, Lisa J
Hi team,
I'm having a hard time accessing Dropbox to upload the New Caney ISD Power Point draft. 🙃 So, I've attached it to this email. Will someone please make a folder for New Caney and upload it for me?
Many thanks! 🙂
Lisa Bowman-Perrott, Ph.D.
Associate Professor
Haynes Faculty Fellow
Department of Educational Psychology
Special Education Division
Texas A&M University
College Station, TX 77843-4225
(979) 862-3879 (office)
(979) 862-1256 (fax)
From: Reynolds, Virginia <virginia_reynolds1(a)>
Sent: Tuesday, March 5, 2024 11:14 AM
To: project.leer(a) <project.leer(a)>
Subject: [Project.leer] Action Items 3/5/24
The meeting notes from today are in the Dropbox folder. Here are the action items: Action Items: Dr. Sanchez will send Badar-Kauffman flight info to Virginia Virginia will send Badar-Kauffman flight info to Dr. Burke Link LEER website under
This Message Is From an External Sender
This message came from outside your organization.
The meeting notes from today are in the Dropbox folder. Here are the action items:
Action Items:
* Dr. Sanchez will send Badar-Kauffman flight info to Virginia
* Virginia will send Badar-Kauffman flight info to Dr. Burke
* Link LEER website under BCDD, embedded within the BCDD website
* Dr. Padilla will get population statistics from University High School (what languages are spoken, numbers, etc.)
* Dr. Padilla will work on getting a meeting with University High School
* We will all review the CWPT manual for our next meeting to provide feedback and have a discussion.
* We will all review the New Caney ISD documents to provide ideas and questions for the PD on the 22nd.
* Cameron and Virginia will review the research on best practices for assessment for EB students to prepare slides for the New Caney ISD PD.
Virginia Reynolds, M. Ed.
Doctoral Student, School Psychology
School of Education
Baylor University
11 months, 1 week
Re: [Project.diverse] Re: SEL issues at CEC
by Diana Infante-De Leon
Dr. Burke,
First, I would be happy to serve/chair the engagement committee, I am an
excellent event planner!
Second, Thank you for sharing information and your perspective on the
challenges facing Social Emotional Learning (SEL) amidst political
polarization and the allegations made by some critics about its potential
ties to CRT. The "Trojan Horse" theory in one article was particularly
disturbing to read, especially since I serve on my District/Campus SEL
committee and I know the carefully crafted lessons we create and the
evidence-based practices we align to them. The need for SEL to remain
politically neutral, grounded in empirical evidence, and mindful of
potential unintended consequences is crucial. As educators and researchers,
we must think critically about the practices we promote, ensure they are
developmentally appropriate, and perhaps incorporate elements of
cognitive-behavioral therapy to mitigate risks. I look forward to
continuing this conversation and collaborating to navigate these complex
On Mon, Mar 18, 2024 at 3:39 PM Perrott, Lisa J <lbperrott(a)> wrote:
> Thanks Dr. Burke - definitely important considerations for us to discuss.
> Lisa Bowman-Perrott, Ph.D.
> Associate Professor
> Haynes Faculty Fellow
> Department of Educational Psychology
> Special Education Division
> Texas A&M University
> College Station, TX 77843-4225
> (979) 862-3879 (office)
> (979) 862-1256 (fax)
> ------------------------------
> *From:* Burke, Mack <Mack_Burke(a)>
> *Sent:* Sunday, March 17, 2024 11:15 AM
> *To:* project.diverse(a) <project.diverse(a)>;
> project.leer(a) <project.leer(a)>
> *Subject:* [Project.diverse] SEL issues at CEC
> Thanks to everyone that turned out for CEC- we will try to do more to pull
> everyone together more often- maybe we need a social event/connect/engage
> committee…😊 I was trying to figure out what the SEL issues at the
> conference people
> ZjQcmQRYFpfptBannerStart
> This Message Is From an External Sender
> This message came from outside your organization.
> ZjQcmQRYFpfptBannerEnd
> Thanks to everyone that turned out for CEC- we will try to do more to pull
> everyone together more often- maybe we need a social event/connect/engage
> committee…😊
> I was trying to figure out what the SEL issues at the conference people
> were talking about since I have supported SEL and even framed several
> studies around it in the past- was surprised to hear that one…and was
> flipping through the internet headlines-
> <>
> <>
> <>
> <>
> All makes for interesting conversations- and you have other contrasts on
> it:
> <>
> <>
> <>
> <>
> <>
> <>
> Just a small sampling really…and doesn’t include the academic literature-
> there is an internal conflict at Yale for some time where SEL mostly comes
> out of to indeed to tie SEL from being politically neutral and science
> based to jumping on the CRT bandwagon to avoid the withering criticism and
> shaming out of the activist wing- in doing so- it does politicize it- as
> CRT driven policies and practices is about forcing people often to take
> sides- that part of the ideology it comes out of is baked in- which is
> explicitly activist based and proponents often take anti-empirical
> positions. Which is much of my issue with it- we are having this same issue
> with PBIS. And the push back against it as a driver for public policy is
> not so nuanced- throws the baby out with the bathwater. It is a nuanced
> conversation in a time in education and public policy that doesn’t do
> nuance.
> One of the empirical concerns I actually have now over SEL is that if done
> poorly- might lead to intragenic effects. Intragenic being defined as when
> the person providing care does harm...sometimes inadvertently or as an
> unintended consequence. Those that have been around a while remember it was
> a problem that surfaced with drug prevention programs like DARE- that
> introducing the ideas too young developmentally had the oppositive effect
> and increased drug use.
> In this case- it is the promotion of emotional reasoning if the other
> parts like self-regulation aren’t taught well that is a problem- emotional
> reasoning is a cognitive error or distortion in cognitive behavioral
> therapy and can lead to attribution bias around interpretation of a
> triggering event and based on the attribution you give to it- in that the
> event is often misinterpreted in the least charitable way possible. In CBT-
> we focus on self-questioning- basically fact checking the event before
> acting. In EBD we talk about it in terms of social information processing
> problems- so think of the somewhat disagreeable student in the hall way
> that gets bumped and wants to start a fight thinking it was on purpose-
> when- well- it might have just been an accidental bump- see the same thing
> in bars and nightclubs by the way…my misspent 20s. Add another thing to the
> list for all of you to help us figure out and think clearly about…MDB
> _______________________________________________
> Project DIVERSE mailing list -- project.diverse(a)
> To unsubscribe send an email to project.diverse-leave(a)
*Diana "Diane" Infante-De Leon, M.A.*
Early Childhood Special Education Teacher, NISD
P: 210-632-1418
11 months, 1 week
Re: conference citations
by Perrott, Lisa J
Thanks a bunch! 🙂
From: Sanchez, Lisa <Lisa_Sanchez(a)>
Sent: Monday, March 18, 2024 8:33 AM
To: project.leer(a) <project.leer(a)>
Subject: [Project.leer] conference citations
For our CVs: Sanchez, L. Burke, M. , Reynolds, V. , Boon, R. , Padilla, K. , Bowman-Perrott, L. (2024). Using Practice-based Coaching to Improve Implementation Fidelity in Behavior Support. Oral Presentation at the 21st International Conference
This Message Is From an External Sender
This message came from outside your organization.
For our CVs:
Sanchez, L. Burke, M., Reynolds, V., Boon, R., Padilla, K., Bowman-Perrott, L. (2024). Using Practice-based Coaching to Improve Implementation Fidelity in Behavior Support. Oral Presentation at the 21st International Conference on Positive Behavior Support. Chicago, IL. March 6-9.
Burke, M., Reynolds, V., Sanchez, L., Padilla, K., Blaies, C., Bowman-Perrot, L., Boon, R. (2024) Multi-tiered Systems of Support: Empirically-based Practices for Supporting Diverse Learners. Oral Presentation at the 21st International Conference on Positive Behavior Support. Chicago, IL. March 6-9.
I don't remember who all the authors are for this poster, but Virginia will tell us 🙂 For CEC this is the title:
MTSS and Effective Inclusion for English Learners with Disabilities. Poster Presentation at the Council for Exceptional Children Special Education Conference. San Antonio, TX March 13-16.
Lisa Rodriguez Sanchez
Postdoctoral Research Associate
Baylor University, School of Education
Department of Educational Psychology
One Bear Place
Waco, TX 76798-7304
11 months, 1 week