Thanksgiving Holiday Nov 28 and 29
by Jennifer Silver
Hello everyone, please note:
UTSA is closed for the holiday on Thursday and Friday of this week. If there are any proposals or reports due to sponsors within the period of November 28-December 1, then submit complete packages to OSP before noon on Wednesday, November 27th to ensure they are processed by 5 p.m.
Have a wonderful holiday break with your family!
Jennifer Silver, CRA
Senior Director
Office of Sponsored Projects
Office of Research
The University of Texas at San Antonio
One UTSA Circle
San Antonio, TX 78249-1644
Phone: 210.458.4234 | Email: Jennifer.silver(a)<>
2 months, 3 weeks
Re: Thank you!
by Elizabeth Tilley
Thank you – and thanks to everyone on my team and Ana’s team for working so hard ❤
From: Jennifer Silver <Jennifer.Silver(a)>
Sent: Friday, November 15, 2024 5:10 PM
To: rowdy.research(a)
Subject: [Rowdy.research] Thank you!
Thank you for your amazing effort this week! Let's enjoy this weekend and the cooler weather.
Proposal Metrics for the Week
ATF - Routing
On Hold
Jennifer Silver, CRA
Senior Director
Office of Sponsored Projects
Office of Research
The University of Texas at San Antonio
One UTSA Circle
San Antonio, TX 78249-1644
Phone: 210.458.4234 | Email: Jennifer.silver(a)<>
3 months
Thank you!
by Jennifer Silver
Thank you for your amazing effort this week! Let's enjoy this weekend and the cooler weather.
Proposal Metrics for the Week
ATF - Routing
On Hold
Jennifer Silver, CRA
Senior Director
Office of Sponsored Projects
Office of Research
The University of Texas at San Antonio
One UTSA Circle
San Antonio, TX 78249-1644
Phone: 210.458.4234 | Email: Jennifer.silver(a)<>
3 months
FW: Your Invited: Special Zoom FRAC Session on UTSA AI
by Lori Schultz
If you are interested, please attend!
From: Tammy Ramos <Tammy.Ramos(a)>
Date: Wednesday, November 13, 2024 at 10:51 AM
Cc: Michelle Atchison <michelle.atchison(a)>
Subject: Your Invited: Special Zoom FRAC Session on UTSA AI
Good Morning,
You are invited to attend a Special Zoom FRAC Session on UTSA AI on Thursday, December 5, 2024 at 8:00 AM CT. You are welcome to share/invite UTSA Colleagues.
Focus: While AI is being integrated and generated across our campus, much of the information is not broadly known. This special session is to identify how UTSA is approaching AI and what are the forecasts for future for academic courses, tool/services, and research. Included is a summary on the forecast of AI funding opportunities in the Federal and State sector.
Goal: Generate broader awareness of UTSA AI and enhance the network of information sharing.
Meeting ID: 945 9466 5062
One tap mobile
+13462487799,,94594665062# US (Houston)
+16699006833,,94594665062# US (San Jose)
8:00-8:10 JoAnn Browning, VPR- HSRU Alliance CHIP-AI
Identify current UTSA research and course capabilities related to AI and how UTSA wants to Grow in the AI Domain (25 mins)
8:10-8:15 MATRIX AI and AIxBio efforts at UTSA - Amina Ann Qutub, Lead, MATRIX AI Consortium Associate Professor
8-15-8:20 The New College - Paul Rad, Associate Director of Research for School of Data Science
8:20-8:25 Research Capabilities Development-Nicole Beebe, Asst VP, Faculty Research Dev.
8:25-8:30 International Efforts and AI- Lisa Montoya, Vice Provost & Sr. International Officer
UTSA use of AI as a tools, service, and policy (25 min)
8:35- 8:45 Academic Innovation - Jake Erney, Director of Strategic Initiatives
8:45- 8:50 AI for Tech Transfer - Christine Burke, Director for Commercialization & Tech Trasfer
8:05- 9:05 Legal Perspectives on AI Utilization in Universities - Jason King, AVP of Strategic Risk Management and Chief Legal Officer
9:05- 9:15 Research Security - Lori Schultz, Senior Associate VP for Research Administration
Virtual Guest Speaker:
9:15-9:35 Smartphone Sensors & Artificial Intelligence: A Game Changer in STEM Education - David Rakestraw, Lawrence Livermore Lab (20 min)
Guest Speaker Summary:
David Rakestraw is a senior scientist at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL) in Livermore, California. For more than a decade, he led multidisciplinary research and development teams to counter chemical, biological, radiological, nuclear, and explosive threats. Over the past 5 years, he has focused on STEM education where he is developing inquiry-based activities that take advantage of the sensors in smartphones. Prior to LLNL, he spent 12 years at the Sandia National Laboratories location in Livermore, California, where he engaged in a wide range of research and development activities which began with the development of laser-based diagnostics for studying combustion processes. Rakestraw also co-founded Eksigent Technologies which built and sold high pressure liquid chromatography instruments globally. Rakestraw has a BS in Chemistry from Ohio Northern University and a PhD in Chemical Physics from Stanford University.
Here is a link to the website<> where my current educational materials are posted.
Forecast of Federal and State Sector Opportunities
9:35-9:45 Texas Forecast – Jason Hassay
Federal Funding Forecast - Michelle Atchison
Question and Answer- Round Robin
9:45 Closing
We look forward to see you all! If you have any questions, please contact Michelle Atchison, michelle.atchison(a)<>.
Tammy A. Ramos
Program Manager
The University of Texas at San Antonio
Office of Research - Strategic Research Development
One UTSA Circle,
San Antonio, TX 78249-3209
3 months, 1 week
Project Snapshot Report update
by Jennifer Silver
Good morning, all.
We met with the BIS team twice this month to discuss the role glitch with the project snapshot report. We were assured the report was suspended until the coding issue was resolved. A ticket is in with SIS.
However, the report ran on the 10th. I have notified Rene the report ran over the weekend.
The issue is the GCO role personnel are receiving the report separately instead of batched for the role. Please alert your faculty that a resolution is being pursued.
Thank you!
Jennifer Silver, CRA
Senior Director
Office of Sponsored Projects
Office of Research
The University of Texas at San Antonio
One UTSA Circle
San Antonio, TX 78249-1644
Phone: 210.458.4234 | Email: Jennifer.silver(a)<>
3 months, 1 week
Coming changes to meeting schedules - SRA and College RA meetings
by Lori Schultz
Hi, all,
I will be adjusting the current schedule of SRA and College RA teams:
1. I’ll keep the biweekly SRA meeting but will change the date/time. The current time no longer works for my constantly changing schedule. Individual RAs should bring issues to their SRA team lead for discussion in this meeting. The SRAs will set the agenda for these meetings.
1. I will cancel the College RA team meeting and replace it with a monthly “all hands” meeting that includes OSP and the RAs. The agenda will be a summary of GoLive meetings through the month, updates from research (including integration news, if any), and items submitted by you.
The weekly GoLive meeting will continue in its current form. Agenda is set by OSP and the SRAs.
Please contact me if you have any questions. I am available by Teams and email, and email is probably best/fastest (it’s all relative).
3 months, 2 weeks
FW: [EXTERNAL] Region V - Call for 2025 Cohort Applications Reminder
by Lori Schultz
Hi, all,
FYI – good opportunity for a research admin-focused mentoring program in our region.
From: NCURA <info(a)>
Date: Tuesday, November 5, 2024 at 11:01 AM
To: Lori Schultz <lori.schultz(a)>
Subject: [EXTERNAL] Region V - Call for 2025 Cohort Applications Reminder
This email originated outside of The University of Texas at San Antonio.
Please exercise caution when clicking on links or opening attachments.
Region V
November 5, 2024
The NCURA Region V Mustang Mentoring Program (MMP) is looking for next year’s mentors and mentees! If you would like to be a part of the 2025 cohort, please <> apply<> by Wednesday, November 27th. Applications must include a copy of your CV and a letter of institutional commitment. See below for more information about the MMP and visit the region website<> for even more details.
Program Overview
The Mustang Mentoring Program (MMP) is adapted from the NCURA Leadership Development Institute and is designed to develop the leadership skills of the MMP participant. The intention is to create a leadership pipeline of individuals to serve at the regional level while providing educational and professional development for the mentee. The overall approach to mentoring should result in increased volunteer involvement and participation from NCURA Region V members.
Program Details
The program pairs mentors and mentees based on areas of common interest and expertise. It involves a commitment of approximately one year, during which the mentor guides the mentee through a course of leadership development skills. The curriculum for the MMP will be based on the book The Leadership Challenge: How to Make Extraordinary Things Happen in Organizations by James M. Kouzes and Barry Z. Posner, with a focus on the Research Administration profession.
Apply Here to be a Mentor or a Mentee <>
Robyn Bowling Remotigue, MPPA, CRA
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3 months, 2 weeks