FYI if you’re interested.
From: Julie Sylvan <julie.sylvan(a)>
Date: Tuesday, December 10, 2024 at 6:11 PM
To: Lori Schultz <lori.schultz(a)>, Diana Huffaker
<diana.huffaker(a)>, Nicole Beebe <Nicole.Beebe(a)>, David Brown
Cc: JoAnn Browning <joann.browning(a)>
Subject: FW: Commencement Volunteers Needed - Second Ceremony
Good morning,
Please see the email below regarding a call for volunteers for this weekend’s
commencement exercises.
Please share with employees in your areas. Employees that are interested in volunteering
can reach out to Georgina in the President’s Office at<>.
Thank you in advance!
Begin forwarded message:
From: Carlos Martinez
Date: December 9, 2024 at 5:28:21 PM EST
To: President’s Cabinet
Cc: Georgina Martinez
Subject: Commencement Volunteers Needed - Second Ceremony
Dear Cabinet,
We’re excited to host this Saturday’s Commencement exercises at the Alamodome where we
will graduate nearly 3,700 Roadrunners. We hope you’ll join us.
We need everyone’s help to make this a memorable celebration. We are looking for
volunteers (at least 30 more) to help with student check-in, hall monitors, and usher
support, especially for the second ceremony. We hope you’ll join us in encouraging
volunteers from your area to help make this a complete success. We ask that you circulate
this invitation and forward volunteer interest to Georgina at<>. We’ll share
additional details with those who reach out to us.
Thanks for getting the word out.
Carlos Martinez
Chief of Staff
The University of Texas at San Antonio
Office of the President
(210) 458-5149 / (512) 496-1494 cell
One UTSA Circle
San Antonio, TX 78249-3209
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