Hello everyone!
Just wanted to send an update on the email communication guidance for the centralized OSP
inbox. We have added a new email subject line.
Emails sent to OSP for ACTION should only be addressed TO:
osp@utsa.edu<mailto:osp@utsa.edu>. Once a OSP staff member responds to you,
continue your communications with them directly; do not reply to
osp@utsa.edu<mailto:osp@utsa.edu>. Duplicate emails and multiple staff working on
the same item creates delays.
Please use the following email subject line headings when sending emails to OSP so
requests get distributed to the appropriate OSP staff. After the subject line heading, add
descriptive text or a unique identifier to assist with searching and directing email from
the centralized inbox to the appropriate staff member.
Subject: Award Amendment: PI John Doe; Award SAT000xxxx
Subject: Award Modification Request: PI Jane Doe; Award SAT000xxxx
Email Subject Line Headings
Incoming Award:
Award Amendment:
Award Modification Request:
Prior Approval Request:
No-Cost Extension Request:
Cost Transfer Request:
BCO Agreement Signature Request: (to be used for all Service/Participant/Speaker/Evaluator
Agreements under $15K)
[NEW] Scholarship Notice of Award/SNOA:
Award Report:
Subaward Agreement Request:
Subaward Amendment Request:
Thank you,
Justin Marmolejo
Assistant Director, Office of Sponsored Projects | Staff Senate
Office of Research
The University of Texas at San Antonio
One UTSA Circle
San Antonio, TX 78249-1644
Office: NPB 5.102V04
Phone: 210.458.7049
Email: justin.marmolejo@utsa.edu<mailto:justin.marmolejo@utsa.edu>