Drawing down federal funds - quick definitions
by Lori Schultz
Hi, all,
I’ve fielded a few questions about drawing down federal funds for grants and thought I’d send a quick explainer about what it means.
When we receive a grant from a federal agency, the award document represents authority to spend the obligated award amount. Depending on the language in the grant, that obligated award amount might be for the whole project period, or for a year of funding until continuation years are granted and the obligated award amount increases. We don’t receive actual money from the sponsor until we start spending on the grant.
Letter of Credit (LOC) draws are a way for grantees to electronically request reimbursement for expenses incurred on federal grants instead of sending paper/email invoices. The funds are transferred to the grantee by EFT/wire transfer.
GCFS handles LOC draws based on expenditure activity on the grant. We are only allowed to be reimbursed for what we spent on a grant during a given period, and only up to the obligated award amount. GCFS pulls expenditures for federal sponsors with LOC capability, and only expenditures. We cannot draw funds for encumbrances.
This applies only to federal grants and some cooperative agreements but not contracts or awards from non-federal sponsors (including subfederal awards where UTSA is the subrecipient).
If you have questions, please email through this list.
3 weeks, 2 days
FW: [EXTERNAL] Message to the NSF PI Community
by Elizabeth Tilley
From: U.S. National Science Foundation <grants_conference(a)nsf.gov>
Sent: Tuesday, January 28, 2025 3:36 PM
To: Elizabeth Tilley <elizabeth.tilley(a)utsa.edu>
Subject: [EXTERNAL] Message to the NSF PI Community
This email originated outside of The University of Texas at San Antonio.
Please exercise caution when clicking on links or opening attachments.
Office of Management and Budget (OMB) Memorandum M-25-13
Dear Colleagues;
The Office of Management and Budget (OMB) Memorandum M-25-13, issued on January 27, 2025, directs all Federal agencies to conduct a comprehensive review of their financial assistance programs to determine programs, projects, and activities that may be implicated by the recent Executive Orders. Therefore, all review panels, new awards, and all payments of funds under open awards will be paused as the agency conducts the required reviews and analysis. NSF has created an Executive Order Implementation webpage<https://eew6n7abb.cc.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001BoIcDsiD_nzHP5cD2ZC_76SnyHBhjTyM...> to ensure the widest dissemination of information and updates. We will continue to communicate with you as we receive additional guidance.
All NSF grantees must comply with these Executive Orders, and any other relevant Executive Orders issued, by ceasing all non-compliant grant and award activities. Executive Orders are posted at https://www.whitehouse.gov/presidential-actions/<https://eew6n7abb.cc.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001BoIcDsiD_nzHP5cD2ZC_76SnyHBhjTyM...>. In particular, this may include, but is not limited to conferences, trainings, workshops, considerations for staffing and participant selection, and any other grant activity that uses or promotes the use of DEIA principles and frameworks or violates Federal anti-discrimination laws. Please work with your institutional research office to assist you in complying with the Executive Orders. You can also direct your questions through the form on this NSF webpage<https://eew6n7abb.cc.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001BoIcDsiD_nzHP5cD2ZC_76SnyHBhjTyM...>.
Thank you for your work advancing science, engineering, technology and innovation for our nation.
Sethuraman Panchanathan
Policy Outreach Website<https://eew6n7abb.cc.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001BoIcDsiD_nzHP5cD2ZC_76SnyHBhjTyM...> | Resource Center<https://eew6n7abb.cc.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001BoIcDsiD_nzHP5cD2ZC_76SnyHBhjTyM...> | Update Notifications<https://eew6n7abb.cc.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001BoIcDsiD_nzHP5cD2ZC_76SnyHBhjTyM...>
Event Questions<mailto:Grants_Conference@nsf.gov> | Policy Office Questions<mailto:policy@nsf.gov>
Davis Management Group on behalf of the U.S. National Science Foundation | 2415 Eisenhower Ave | Alexandria, VA 22314 US
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3 weeks, 2 days
Re: R35 proposal package
by Carol Looney
Thank you for sharing! Best, Carol
From: Elizabeth Tilley <elizabeth.tilley(a)utsa.edu>
Sent: Tuesday, January 28, 2025 2:28 PM
To: rowdy.research(a)lists.it.utsa.edu
Subject: [Rowdy.research] R35 proposal package
Hi All,
I forgot to give an update from yesterday. The R35 proposal package was updated on Saturday, 1.25.25 for anyone who is submitting an R35. I downloaded the new opportunity into cayuse and had to create a new proposal with the updated package.
Just FYI, still open for applications.
Elizabeth H. Escoto (formerly Tilley), PhD
Sr. Research Administrator
COS College Research Administration Teams
Office of Research
The University of Texas at San Antonio
cell: 347.299.1641
One UTSA Circle
San Antonio, TX 78249-3209
3 weeks, 2 days
R35 proposal package
by Elizabeth Tilley
Hi All,
I forgot to give an update from yesterday. The R35 proposal package was updated on Saturday, 1.25.25 for anyone who is submitting an R35. I downloaded the new opportunity into cayuse and had to create a new proposal with the updated package.
Just FYI, still open for applications.
Elizabeth H. Escoto (formerly Tilley), PhD
Sr. Research Administrator
COS College Research Administration Teams
Office of Research
The University of Texas at San Antonio
cell: 347.299.1641
One UTSA Circle
San Antonio, TX 78249-3209
3 weeks, 2 days
Navigating Federal Changes Folder
by Jennifer Silver
Federal Research Policy Updates<https://utsacloud-my.sharepoint.com/:u:/r/personal/jill_johnstoneking_uts...>
UTSA Research updates for the university community.
Request access to the folder if you haven't already had the opportunity.
Jennifer Silver, CRA
Senior Director
Office of Sponsored Projects
Office of Research
The University of Texas at San Antonio
One UTSA Circle
San Antonio, TX 78249-1644
Phone: 210.458.4234 | Email: Jennifer.silver(a)utsa.edu<mailto:Jennifer.silver@utsa.edu>
3 weeks, 2 days
Info on Pell grants
by Lori Schultz
Pell Grants, direct loans spared in federal aid freeze, Education Department says <https://url4763.email.politicopro.com/ls/click?upn=u001.Q6ij-2B6lCBUOmLoI...>
By Rebecca Carballo | 01/28/2025 11:05 AM EST
Direct loans and Pell Grants, among other forms of direct financial assistance to individuals, will not be affected by the governmentwide freeze on federal aid, Education Department officials said Tuesday.
President Donald Trump’s Office of Management and Budget Monday ordered a hold on “all federal financial assistance” that could be affected by his executive orders pausing funding for a wide range of priorities — from domestic infrastructure and energy projects to foreign aid.
The move left agencies scrambling to figure out what programs the freeze would affect. But spokesperson for the Education Department, citing a footnote in the memo, outlined what education programs would be spared.
“Per the OMB memo issued yesterday, the temporary pause does not impact 'assistance received directly by individuals.' As such, Title IV, [Higher Education Act] funds that are provided to individual students, such as Federal Pell Grants and Direct Loans, are not impacted by yesterday’s guidance,” an Education Department spokesperson said in a statement to POLITICO.
3 weeks, 2 days
FW: Message from the VPR: Update on Federal Spending Memo and Research Funding
by Lori Schultz
From: Research <research(a)utsa.edu>
Date: Tuesday, January 28, 2025 at 12:26 PM
To: UTSA Faculty <UTSAFACULTY(a)utsa.edu>
Subject: Message from the VPR: Update on Federal Spending Memo and Research Funding
Dear Faculty,
Yesterday afternoon, the United States Office of Management and Budget (OMB) issued a memo directing federal agencies to temporarily pause federal assistance programs, including grants and cooperative agreements.
We want to take a moment to acknowledge the immediate questions and concerns you may have and assure you that we are actively working to assess its potential impact on our university and research activities. While this directive is broad and its implications are still unfolding, we are collaborating closely with UT System and our federal relations contacts to better understand the scope of this directive and determine appropriate next steps. As we gain more clarity, we will share updates to ensure you remain informed.
At this time, we do not believe it is necessary to pause federally funded research activities unless you have received a stop-work order from the federal sponsor directly. Researchers may continue to perform work on already-funded federal projects.
Attached is a message we sent to Deans and Associate Deans for Research on Friday regarding the pause on meetings. As we find out specific details, we’ll be sharing that information and posting it on the internal SharePoint page<https://utsacloud-my.sharepoint.com/:u:/g/personal/jill_johnstoneking_uts...> we created to track ongoing federal policy updates. UTSA Research will continue to provide updates with the most recent news and information regarding federal funding agencies and guidance for faculty.
As always, we thank you for your dedication to advancing our mission. Your drive for innovation and discovery inspires us, and we remain committed to keeping you updated as we learn more.
JoAnn Browning, Ph.D., P.E., Dist.M. ASCE
Interim Vice President for Research
The University of Texas at San Antonio
Office of Research
One UTSA Circle
San Antonio, TX 78249-3209
[Creating Bold Futures]<https://bold.utsa.edu/>
3 weeks, 2 days
FW: Message from the VPR: Recent Executive Orders and the Research Enterprise
by Lori Schultz
This is the message that we sent from the VPR office on Friday.
Subject: Message from the VPR: Recent Executive Orders and the Research Enterprise
Dear Colleagues,
I know many of you are fielding questions and concerns about the recent federal executive orders and updates. These changes are part of the broader federal transition process, and while we understand they may generate a great deal of questions and concerns, I want to assure you that our leadership team is closely monitoring the situation.
We encourage everyone to proceed with research activities and to remain prepared for upcoming federal deadlines. The Office of Sponsored Projects and your College Research Administrators continue their work in support of your proposal submissions, awards, and post-award activity. If there are changes to a particular sponsored award, OSP will be notified by the sponsor and will reach out to the involved PI(s).
Our leadership team is closely monitoring developments, and we will work with leadership and governmental relations to share updates on the internal Federal Research Policy Updates page<https://utsacloud-my.sharepoint.com/:u:/r/personal/jill_johnstoneking_uts...>. If you come across new information, please share it with Lori Schultz, Senior Associate Vice President for Research Administration, at lori.schultz(a)utsa.edu<mailto:lori.schultz@utsa.edu>. She will review and help ensure the most relevant updates are shared with our community. Attached are key highlights to help you answer any questions that may come your way.
Please know that we are here to support you and your faculty every step of the way. Thank you for your leadership and everything you do to keep our research community thriving.
JoAnn Browning, Ph.D., P.E., Dist.M. ASCE
Interim Vice President for Research
The University of Texas at San Antonio
Office of Research
One UTSA Circle
San Antonio, TX 78249-3209
[Creating Bold Futures]<https://bold.utsa.edu/>
3 weeks, 3 days
Dept of Energy Fw: [EXTERNAL] Executive Order update to PIER Plan requirement
by Jennifer Silver
From: PAMS <PAMS.Autoreply(a)science.doe.gov>
Sent: Monday, January 27, 2025 10:49:46 AM
To: PAMS <PAMS.Autoreply(a)science.doe.gov>
Subject: [EXTERNAL] Executive Order update to PIER Plan requirement
This email originated outside of The University of Texas at San Antonio.
Please exercise caution when clicking on links or opening attachments.
The President has issued 43 Executive Orders, Presidential Memoranda, and Proclamations, including an Executive Order entitled Ending Radical and Wasteful Government DEI Programs and Preferencing. DOE is moving aggressively to implement this Executive Order by directing the suspension of the following:
? diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) policies, procedures, programs, activities, and reviews involving or relating to DEI objectives and principles until further notice;
? requiring, using, or enforcing Community Benefits Plans (CBP); and
? requiring, using, or enforcing Justice40 requirements, conditions, or principles in any loans, loan guarantees, grants, cost sharing agreements, funding opportunity announcements, contracts, contract awards, or any other source of financial assistance.
The Office of Science is immediately ending the requirement for Promoting Inclusive and Equitable Research (PIER) Plans in any proposal submitted to the Office of Science. All open solicitations have been or will be amended to remove the PIER Plan requirement and associated review criterion. For proposals that have already been submitted to the Office of Science, no action on the part of the applicant is required, but applicants will have the option to resubmit a new application with the removal of the PIER plan. Reviewers will not be asked to read or comment on PIER Plans. Selection decisions will not take into consideration the content of PIER Plans or any reviewer comments on PIER Plans. If you have questions, please email questions(a)science.doe.gov<mailto:questions@science.doe.gov>. Thank you for your attention to this important matter.
3 weeks, 4 days
Re: Cancellation of Posted Notices of Funding Opportunity
by Elizabeth Tilley
Thanks Jesse! I noticed that the R35 is expired in cayuse/grants.gov with a new expiration of 1.24.25, but it still has the regular date on the PAR. I’m wondering if this is the same thing. I’m investigating. ☹
From: Jesse Hernandez <Jesse.Hernandez(a)utsa.edu>
Sent: Monday, January 27, 2025 10:20 AM
To: rowdy.research(a)lists.it.utsa.edu
Subject: [Rowdy.research] Re: Cancellation of Posted Notices of Funding Opportunity
Our office also received cancellation for NIH R03. Original expiration date was May 8, 2026. New expiration date is last Friday 01/14/25.
From: Lori Schultz <lori.schultz(a)utsa.edu<mailto:lori.schultz@utsa.edu>>
Sent: Monday, January 27, 2025 10:16 AM
To: rowdy.research(a)lists.it.utsa.edu<mailto:rowdy.research@lists.it.utsa.edu>
Subject: [Rowdy.research] FW: Cancellation of Posted Notices of Funding Opportunity
From: Vivian Ta-Johnson <Vivian.Ta-Johnson(a)utsa.edu<mailto:Vivian.Ta-Johnson@utsa.edu>>
Date: Monday, January 27, 2025 at 9:11 AM
To: Lori Schultz <lori.schultz(a)utsa.edu<mailto:lori.schultz@utsa.edu>>
Subject: Fwd: Cancellation of Posted Notices of Funding Opportunity
Hi Lori,
Just wanted to forward this to you.
Vivian P. Ta-Johnson, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor, Department of Psychology, The University of Texas at San Antonio
Associate Editor, Psychology of Language and Communication
Begin forwarded message:
From: National Institute of Justice <nij(a)public.govdelivery.com<mailto:nij@public.govdelivery.com>>
Date: January 27, 2025 at 9:44:16 AM CST
To: vpta538(a)gmail.com<mailto:vpta538@gmail.com>
Subject: Cancellation of Posted Notices of Funding Opportunity
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Cancellation of Posted Notices of Funding Opportunity
At this time, NIJ has cancelled all previously posted Notices of Funding Opportunity and associated webinars. Please check back to NIJ.OJP.gov<https://links-1.govdelivery.com/CL0/https:%2F%2Fnij.ojp.gov%2F/1/01000194...> and Grants.gov<https://links-1.govdelivery.com/CL0/https:%2F%2Fgrants.gov%2F/1/01000194a...> to keep up to date on future NOFO and webinar postings.
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3 weeks, 4 days